5 April 2020

Ladies only!

Ladies: you might not get equal pay with your male colleagues, you might work your fingers to the bone 24/7 combining family/work/household duties, you might be a victim of sexual harassment, etc. etc. etc. but, hey, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  We have our own dedicated parking slots (here, they are for bicycles but there are also "ladies only" parking spaces in car parks).

Times are changing!!  Our struggle has been acknowledged!!

How patronising.  What a sop.  I don't know whether to be insulted or to laugh this off as a bad joke!

28 March 2020

Searching for love in times of crisis

Oh dear, Parship, your ads are so cliché it's almost funny.  Those scantily clad young ladies, showing just a little too much flesh, dressed in what my mother would have called "lingerie".  All of them pretty, vapid, seductive (not to mention white, middle class and not a day over 30).  The young gentlemen, on the other hand, yes, from the same socioeconomic group but dressed (dare I say it) like puritans - not even with short sleeves!

What a pity that you have decided to stick with these tired stereotypes.

Creative Commons License
Squeaky Door by Elizabeth Chairopoulou is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.