27 August 2011

It's still recycling

In some places, recycling is carried out with almost religious fervour.  Then there are other places where the concept of reusing something old is scoffed at with disdain.  

But recycling doesn't have to be organised by local councils with multi-coloured wheelie bins and the streets littered (excuse the pun) with rows of bottle banks.  Nor do local authorities need to provide facilities for flea markets where like-minded aficionados of the old and quaint can congregate.  Nothing needs to be organised - all you need to do is keep an eye on the rubbish bins in your neighbourhood and wait for your neighbours to have a clear out.  Then when all is quiet (preferably during the midday siesta or after bedtime), just saunter past the bins and help yourself to whatever takes your fancy, like the painting in the above photo, for example.

Many serviceable items have been left at this dumping place, many of them much too big to fit inside the bin, i.e. furniture.  By the next morning, the site is clear again but it isn't the council that comes to collect: they never get there quick enough.

Sometimes local authorities just don't have the resources/imagination/willpower to implement such schemes.  In these cases, it's just as well that citizens show some initiative of their own.
Creative Commons License
Squeaky Door by Elizabeth Chairopoulou is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.